Day 117: Response to Introvert(s)
It’s been over two months for me since I’ve been to work. The frustrating part was that it kept getting pushed farther out, in two week intervals. I wished that it could have been said that we want (certain industries) you to stay shut down for two months because then I would have felt that I could have made better plans with my time. While I got many things done, I’m feeling a bit more frantic about going back, too, on June 1st.
Because it was chopped up, I did smaller things instead of maybe having gotten a bigger project done, knowing I wouldn’t have to stop to go back to work. I preface all this because I do love working, but when I get home, I don’t want to go out, or be around more than just my family, or maybe one friend. Sometimes even the one friend idea became too much to consider. When you touch people for a living, there is an exchange of energy, and if you are the one giving it, you can get drained. Introverts need to recharge by being alone.
You live in a different country so I don’t know what your new changes mean to you. Here in America, everyone can go back to work on June 1st (or at least in MN), but with restrictions and protocols for safety in place. And, we can’t have more than 25% the amount of people in the workplace than before, so there will be less people around. So, that may help ease into it again. But, it has made me consider making changes to that. I’ll have to see how the money plays out.
I never thought of myself as an introvert until I became an older adult. I felt as a child I was just shy, but I did enjoy being at a party or going out with friends. Now, I am more content to veg out on movies. I used to love reading, but I’ve started too many books and not finished them, and now I’m not sure which one I should finish first. What a dilemma to have, right?
Being at home has had its’ good points, but it has had its not so good points, as well. My schedule has gotten lazy because I don’t have to be anywhere, and if I’m on calls, I don’t have to dress up. I sit way more than I used to and I can feel my middle thicken a bit, and I don’t like that. It’s like having a desk job again, where you bring food to the desk while you work, or wine. My home office has more piles, though I have gotten rid of many things, and that’s good. I’m just not moving around enough because of social distancing. And I seem to be running into problems with machines — lawn mower won’t stay running so I have to find someone to tune it up for me, power washer won’t power so I have to either bring it back, or contact the manufacturer which I have. Things like that drive me nuts because it just eats time up.
But, the normal won’t be normal anymore for a very long time, if ever. I think this is going to make some major changes to our world. Some will be good, but some have consequences that won’t be so good. And, what are they going to do with all the empty skyscrapers downtown that are now empty?
But, today I heard my city and the next door city bought empty buildings to store the dead in because the morgues are full. So, I guess my problems seem a bit small about staying by myself. I’m not ready to be one in the morgue, though either, and there has been talk of maybe we are opening too soon. Unfortunately, I think much of the financial damage to the world has happened and it’s just all going to take time.