Day 12: The Law of Seven (7)
Well, it’s a little more complicated than seven puppies… but they are cute.
I spoke a bit in a previous writing about the Law of 3. In the Enneagram there are nine points, or, nine personalities. Each of us resonate with one of them the most. The 3,6,9 create a triangle in the gram with the top of the triangle being #9, and going clockwise, #1 follows, etc.(Sorry, it’s so big but there is no way for me to make it smaller, here…)
The Law of Seven, or law of octaves, the musical scale of Do=9, Re=1, Mi=2, Fa=4, Sol=5, La=7, Si=8 (Ti). Interestingly, within each note of the scale, there is another whole set of the notes, and another, and another…. Reminds me of the Yin-Yang Theory that states ..”within yin and yang, there is yin and yang” -meaning it keeps doing the same repetition. Yin can be divided into Yin and Yang, and Yang can be divided into Yin and Yang. The Law of Seven determines how vibrations develop, interact and change. (The Law of Three determines the character and nature of the vibration). Everything in nature vibrates. So, understanding the Law of Seven and how these vibrations interact and change will help you to finish what you start and what to expect along the way.
Vibrational frequencies will increase or decrease, and sometimes an extra oomph of energy is needed to maintain it’s original frequency. Because you follow these same laws of nature, I’m sure that there are times when you slow down and need an extra boost to continue at the rate you started with when you began a job, or endeavor. The Law of Three can naturally determine where that boost is needed and fill it.
An astrologer told me that a Grand Trine makes things go easy and without needing to put any real effort into whatever the Grand Trine in your chart is. He told me that was why some things came easy for me, but others came hard and with much struggle — I had six Yods — the Finger of God — which is pointing to the resolution of a crisis and ALWAYS be of a spiritual principle. Yods create an isosceles triangle vs the equilateral triangle, but I also had a major Grand Trine, which is rare in a Fire Sign chart (Aries, here). I digress…
Tomorrow, I will delve a bit into the Yin-Yang Theory. Once I understood it, everything made sense to me, and how things unfold. It is the basis of the Oriental Medicine that my healing practice uses (among other things). There are so many systems at work in God’s Universe, there could only be God to have created such intricate beauty all around us. Blows my mind…