Day 122: as it continues…
Senseless. And now curfews are imposed. People think it is just for the weekend because they just don’t want to see the bigger picture, the slippery slope. Neighboring cities are following suit as the violence escalates across the country. I am sure racial tensions have been building but to be truthful, it is not the blacks that are doing this, but white people, many who travel to different cities when a tragedy happens and they prey upon the emotions of the people of that city. And, many are going to defy the curfews because they think they outnumber the cops. Well, they don’t out number the military. And while we are busy ‘putting out the fires’ other things behind the scenes will take place, unnoticed.
This isn’t a new concept. I never read the whole book, but I believe the Art of War speaks of these tricks. This has happened since the beginning of Adam and Eve, when Cain killed Abel. Jealousies and destruction before there were even enough people to populate the earth. Follow the wars in Europe, or the Middle East, and all you have to understand is that history repeats itself. Why? Because most ignore God’s plan, and still listen to the serpent. The Tester, the Destroyer, the one who hates humans and will keep pitting us against each other, and then blame whomever is the current president in office. Doesn’t matter which party because there is always another side to hate them.
Anger is justified, but violent actions are not, and I think they are even worse when they are directed at innocent people. So, many people just don’t understand that they will be standing in front of God when they die. They think that they will be able to have a conversation and try to explain why He should ignore all the hatred in their heart. There is no place in Heaven for hatred. If God is Pure Love, anger and hatred don’t get to live there. Sometimes there is nothing you can say to people and you have to let them find out on their own, but it REALLY saddens (and angers me) when it is your child, who thinks you are a conspiracy theorist. Maybe so, but I do believe that God will hold all accountable for their sins, even if courts, governments, politicians, the people, don’t.
I will bet none of you watched the YouTube video I had a link to in one of my writings, I think maybe Day 120. The 25 year old black man who had a fever of 106 and died, went to Hell, and then to Heaven (because his dad would not take his hand off him while he prayed because he heard God tell him to keep doing that to fight off Satan), and then the young man returned to earth. Well, I remember what he said, and things that I had my own questions about, got answered. I never quite understood how every pain would be wiped away, and every tear dried. I believed that God could do it, but I never understood how I could forget about some of the things in my life that were so painful. The short version is you do not remember anything of your life on earth. It is all wiped out and you are just so humbled standing in front of God, and ready to serve Him, that absolutely nothing else matters because earth is such a temporary place where we learn. And we don’t live there anymore. If God wants us to help someone still here, then He sends us, just as He sends Angels.
The opposite is true of Hell. You not only remember your pain of experiences multiplied may times over, but you feel the experiences that God shielded you from PLUS all the pain and experiences of everyone down there. Not to mention the intense heat, thirst, and not being able to move away from any of it — for ETERNITY. I vote to feel the love of God and forget all my pain on earth — for ETERNITY, in a comfortable atmosphere where the Holy Ghost resides, and where I have no thirst. See, the Devil’s best playground with you is your thoughts. Crazy people are tormented with their thoughts. They can’t get away from them. Prayer, the Power of the Holy Ghost is the only thing to move away from that.
Isaiah 55:8–9 “For My Thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are My Ways, your ways, declares the Lord. As the Heavens are higher than the earth, so are My Ways higher than your ways. and My Thoughts higher than your thoughts.”
Now, I know many of you have heard of the Law of Attraction. Many promise great wealth if you follow it. But, what they are really trying to tell you is, the power of your thoughts is what brings that wealth on. Many can’t do it because they are distracted by their own negative thoughts of insecurity, and they shift the energy in another direction, and then feel like shit because they couldn’t hold their own, so to speak.
Proverbs 23:7 “As someone thinks within himself, so he is.”
But, I leave you with my favorite when I see the world and all its’ chaos, especially now;
Ephesians 6:12 “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against Principalities, against Powers, against the Rulers of Darkness of this world, against the Spiritual wickedness in high places.”
We are in the middle of it. I choose God. He is my Ruler. Jesus is Lord. He and the Father are One. God will handle it all.