Day 150: I’m not sure it’s cruelty
While it is hard for me to wrap my head around multi-billionaire kind of money, I would expect that would be the wage of someone who actually DID start a company that the whole world wanted connections with. I use Amazon quite often, and as a Prime member, I never pay shipping, and get my items within two days to one week, depending on the stock of the item.
Amazon has created a niche that many others haven’t including the purchase of Whole Foods, giving people a place to sell their writings in Create Space, movies and music, and you can find just about any item you want by using them. So, of course he is going to be rich, but we don’t really know what he does, personally, with his money to help the world.
There are many others you could have added to your story, but didn’t, so I wonder why you picked Amazon, and I believe you mentioned the late Steve Jobs for Apple. All his worth did not save his life. Oprah is a multi billionaire, off of what? She started as an anchor woman, I believe. But, as they invest into more and more things, their money is just probably going to grow. The interest alone will produce a better annual wage than most people make.
There are many reasons for what appears is the concept of rich and poor, but I would place it on two thoughts — mindset, and product. If the mindset is to think rich, then the product isn’t maybe as important because if one product doesn’t work, they will find one that does.
Many who don’t have companies that make lots of money, but only work for them simply don’t understand the amount of money it costs to run such said type of companies. Wages, rent, utilities, buildings, insurances, all the licensing and other government regulated fees, vehicles to transport the products, packaging, etc. Business costs all depend on what the business is about, but it is not just about employee wages. They/the employer/owner take all the risk, too. And, I would say they probably employ thousands of workers, which you and I (at least, I) can’t do.
I can’t believe that they aren’t paying some form of taxes, or maybe the breaks come from reinvesting the money back into the economy, somehow. I do understand that there are many greedy people, as well, but they will answer to God for that.
I don’t fully understand how money is generated, per se, but I don’t think that there is a limited amount here on earth, because the God I believe in doesn’t have any limits. In the little bit of following that I am doing with the whole 5G industry, it is my understanding that it will be a 12.3 TRILLION dollar industry (per Jeff Brown). How can that be if there are limits of money in the world? Are they stealing the money from the billionaires to move it somewhere else? Is it being printed? How can it produce trillions of dollars?
It may not be backed by gold, but it will be backed by a product the whole world will be involved in. I mean, how much weight in gold does a trillion dollars worth of gold weigh, and where would you keep all that metal? I stopped investing in silver for that reason — it became too heavy and if I ever needed to move it, what kind of vehicle would I need to transport it? To use it, I had to reconvert it back into money, and like any commodity, it goes up and down in value. To each his own, I guess.
If you have trouble wrapping your head around a billionaire, how much harder is it to wrap your head around the Rothchild’s family who is worth 500 TRILLION dollars? Now, that’s a lot of zeros. All of it can feel insane, but the bottom line is this; none of it goes with you when you die. It is all very temporary, and God isn’t interested in how rich you were on earth, but what you did with it while you were here. Even in this COVID crisis, I see many companies donating TONS of food and other necessities to help those less fortunate, and they can do so because they have the funds.
All you can ask yourself is, what are you doing to help the world with what you have? If you hire someone to cut your lawn, do you pay them a just wage? How do you determine what is just?
Supposedly, I get ‘paid’ for writing for Medium, though I don’t believe I do if I write in the form of a response, like I’m doing now. Doesn’t matter much to me because the most Medium paid me was $.07. It probably cost more to transfer that to my bank account. I just laugh.