Day 180: response
I just read and then watched a video about BLM extorting small businesses in Louisville, and hit up a Cuban restaurant for not paying up. See Tim Pool’s YouTube of August 2, 2020. They are demanding that cash payments be given to their 'approved' non profits, diversity training, and hiring, and that their list of demands be placed in the storefront window.
Now, what this has caused is that the Cubans in that area are holding a counter rally decrying the violent 'mafia tactics' used to force immigrants to bend a knee.
This is a double standard, and when the police are defunded or dismantled, who will step in to protect these businesses?
Candace Owen, a young black woman, has been talking to her community for awhile, now, as has many other Conservative blacks. She has been showing them how they are still being used by left political parties to keep their agendas going, at the cost of telling this group that their skin is what holds them back.
I am not saying that there aren't racist people, as there will always be. Whites against blacks, blacks against whites, poor against rich, and against immigrants, from the beginning of time. People seem to want to hate someone.
It has been shown that there are possibly white liberal groups that are profiting off the BLM movement. I read that Bank of America 'donated' 1 billion dollars to this movement. I believe by what I read that this is true, but I did not do further research on it. But, if this is true, then how can a bank who holds other people's money, donate that amount of money to a cause? There is something just not right about that. Laundering, perhaps?
If the BLM movement is extending to extortion measures, as what was written and spoken about in Louisville, how is this right? All I see out of that is a war going to happen between BLM and the Cubans, and the people living in that area are going to be caught in the crossfires.
When most of the world is dead, or destroyed, will this finally stop? And will the ultra rich - who may even be supporting this - go off and hide, letting the rest of the world destroy each other, doing the dirty work they don't want to get their hands directly messed up in? After all, if it is really a class thing, using race issues to anger many, won't this just get rid of a lot of poor people that they want gone, anyhow?
There is more than one issue happening in the world, and much is feeding off the emotions of someone, something, somehow. It is so sad to me, more than anger. My heart has broken many times over how we treat each other. When God was taken out of our lives, as is still happening today with not allowing us to gather as we did, in churches or other prayer groups, we allowed Satan to come in, instead. Satan destroys joy, peace, and communities of love.
And, I still believe that much of the diversions happening, including getting rid of police, is so that the immensely huge child sex and slave trafficking can go unnoticed. But, many of us notice. More lives are destroyed with that movement, sacrificing children to Satan.