Day 186; Response

Mary EK Denison
5 min readAug 16, 2020
Photo by Diggity Marketing on Unsplash

I never liked him. I thought he was loud, narcissistic, and had to overpower any speaker that he was with on the stage. I saw him do that to Dean G. (at least I thought he did). I find him obnoxious, not believable, and he turned me off.

My responses here, are touching on several of your articles, and ideas you mentioned.

I have taken Masterclasses, quite a few of them, actually, and while I DO get something from them, I started to notice a thread of similarity in all of them - sad story of their start, tons of debt but 'willing' to persist, 7 figure incomes (which I'm not saying you couldn't do) and lots of upsells. I believe that making it big does require a lot of persistent work, and following your dream. There really is no other way. But, sometimes I can actually tell who they have learned their dialogue from, because it comes close to copy-catting. Maybe there are just only so many ways to say something, so it is going to be similar. Maybe, I’m even doing some of that, too. Others have been able to word my thoughts better than me, sometimes…

I read a couple of your other articles, the MLM, of which I have joined several in the past, mostly because I really liked the product but did not want to do the whole recruiting part. There is ALWAYS a monthly amount you have to buy in order to make commissions. My joining was simply for me to be able to buy and get the greater savings for my own use. And, yes, I would sell inventory to customers, but only if I used it myself, regularly, because the product was that good. If my customers wanted to do the same, then they would sign under me, but I never, ever pressured them to create a business, unless they wanted to. I don’t pretend it’s something it’s not.

I don’t think MLMs are a bad thing as it may be the only way you CAN purchase certain products. One that I did join about 20 years ago with my daughter had FANTASTIC supplements and the absolute best water filtration system. I bought several types from a whole house system (which I forgot how to reboot it by cleansing it out somehow) to the kind under your kitchen sink, to one that was portable to cleanse just a glass of water when you were camping. You could test your water and could verify that it was pure and clean.

This MLM is long gone. The owner didn’t pay his taxes and got shut down. I was pissed about that. He had a Mind Power supplement that was amazing. I used it throughout my acupuncture schooling for memory and recall, and it really worked. I couldn’t keep buying it because he simply didn’t manage his business good enough for government. Pay your taxes. You can’t get so big that you think you can’t. Though, many elite follow that way, too, of course, but it is a great way to lose everything if you get caught. Not worth it. And, it certainly doesn’t leave with you when you die (but cheating people, DOES because God is awake and waiting for you).

Sexual predators are being exposed quite a bit, lately, and I have been following the abuse of child sex slaves, and there are an alarming amount of men and women who are profiting HUGE off these poor children, who are dying from Satanic rituals, neglect, suicide and depression. As we know, and you have mentioned Weinstein — thank you, as I didn’t know what his sentence was — that many of these people are aristocrats, the wealthiest of the wealthy, all over the world who believe they are above humanity.

Anneke Lucas did a Ted Talk, and was on a British podcast (which I saw) and she mentioned she would be filing a lawsuit against a wealthy person/family that has not yet been mentioned being involved in this category of child slavery. And, because of a pending lawsuit, she can’t/couldn’t mention them, anyhow. She was turned a slave at age 6 (her mother allowed and profited from it), and is now 57. She mentioned that children were considered the lowest form of humanity, even lower than animals to these people. I’m speaking of the orchestrators who she said had a very organized business, and mentioned that getting rid of these children (after abusing them sexually, emotionally, torturing them, some even ritually killed — some consumed, and some for organ donations). She mentioned that getting rid of them used to be referred as Eugenics, but is now referred to as Population Control. Hmmm, kind of rings a bell…

People who cheat other people, turn a blind eye to what they don’t want to see or be bothered with, create products meant to desensitized*, or make you feel that your ‘parts’ need their products, just to make tons of money, will eventually pay for their sins. Especially sins against children, but trusting adults, as well. The bigger you are, the harder you fall.

There was a mention that a popular toy manufacturer created a doll that had a sensor button where the genitals were and when touched, the doll made noises and ‘laughed’ so that children would be made to think it is ok to touch them there. A parent unknowingly bought the doll because this ‘sensor’ was not mentioned on the box and filed a complaint with the company. The spokeswoman made ‘light’ of it saying oops, the sensor was misplaced, or some other bullshit.

Then there was a certain doll that she and her friends looked like hookers. Be careful of the toys you buy your children. Check them out, open the box at home and don’t be afraid to speak out. It is alarming how many groups of people are out to brainwash and manipulate your kids. As you/the author of these articles wrote about herself, she was caught off guard by the charisma of Tony, but had an uneasy feeling, and only made the connection when her friend spoke of his sexual abuse practices of women.

And, truly, what is wrong with making good money, even 7 figures, with honesty and integrity? I mean, if you can’t sell a product that isn’t worth it on its’ own merit, leggings that tear easily (I had a past client who had a pair on and they DID feel like butter, and I DID like the colored material), do you really want to ruin your reputation? I guess some don’t care.

Why not shift your business sense into something that is worthwhile and you can hold your head up? If you have to hide, you are already in the wrong. Many truths are coming out, these days. My own handcrafted creations must be good for me, and I must use them on a continual basis, or I just simply won’t promote them. Everything is tried out on myself, first. Then, and only then, will I let others try it and get feedback. I hone it until I get the product I would buy myself.

Ironic how the Goop products you mentioned, that three out of four, I believe, are for your lower parts. I would actually believe that the ‘enema’ is considered a form of medical practice. When did Gwyneth become a doctor? And, “Goop”? Does that stand for something I missed?



Mary EK Denison
Mary EK Denison

Written by Mary EK Denison

My vocation is in alternative health therapies; cosmetic acupuncture, oriental medicine, esthetics… Subscribe for a monthly newsletter

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