Day 19: The 6 Curious Organs
There are parts of the body that don’t fit under the normal explanation of an organ, but have a very definite role to play in the body. They are:
Bones: Bones are controlled by the Kidney; therefore, any problems in the bones are treated through the Kidney meridian. The Kidneys produce the marrow which develops in the cavities if the bones and determines their growth and development. This bone marrow is not to be confused with the Western Medicine’s version of marrow. The function of marrow is to nourish the Brain and spinal cord, and to produce Bone-marrow, which produces bone. The energy of Kidney is called Jing. If Jing and Marrow are deficient then bones can’t form properly, thus, you will have problems sustaining the body and have the inability to walk or stand.
Marrow: When Marrow is sufficient, the bone marrow has a rich source of production and the bones are hard and firm. The thing about marrow is it includes Brain marrow, spinal cord marrow, and bone marrow. The Brain is considered marrow because it is inside, the middle, of the skull. The Nei Jing quotes, “Id the Sea of Marrow is abundant, vitality is good, and the body feels light and agile, and the span of life will be long. If it is deficient, there will be dizziness, tinnitus, blurred vision, fatigue, and a great desire to lie down.”
Brain: The Sea of Marrow, controlled by the Kidney and controls intelligence memory, and the five senses. When it is related to the Heart Blood it nourishes Shen and the metal activity. When it is related to Liver, it controls the circulation of the Qi, and aids in the smooth flow of emotions.
Vessels: They are controlled by the Heart, which controls the movement of Blood through the Vessels. The Spleen energy keeps the Blood circulation within the Vessels.
Uterus: This is referred to, in its’ Chinese name of Zi Cong, the Fetal Palace. It is controlled by the Kidney Jing, controls reproduction and menstruation, and is related to Liver Blood. I needs a rich supply of Qi, Blood and Essence to have good function. It nourishes the fetus. It is influenced by Kidney, Liver, Spleen, Ren and Chong Meridians — which originate in the Uterus. The Ren Meridian must be free of obstruction in order for pregnancy to occur, and the Chong Meridian, or Sea of Blood, must be abundant for fertility. The Chong meridian doesn’t have its’ own points and must be needled through other Meridian’s points to get to it.
Gall Bladder: Oddly, the Gall Bladder is the only Curious Organ that is also one of the six main Yang organs. It does not receive food and water like the other Yang-Fu organs and does not communicate with the exterior. It stores bile, which is a refined substance — which makes it similar to a Yin-Zang organ.