Day 191: Response to an adoption story.
Sometimes the parents don't adopt the child they thought they were adopting. I can't comment on this person's story because I saw none of the vlogs. This is the first time I am hearing about her and her family. And her choice of what appears she may think are politically correct words, may be why she chose the 'forever home', etc. choice.
If we had a child that has had severe birth issues, whether mental or physical, and it becomes too much for the family, we know that families have had to put their child in institutions where they have the resources, education, or whatever to handle the situation, and maybe that's where Huxley is, for the rest of his life.
My aunt had a severely retarded (probably not the PC term, but please don't get hung up on that part) child, Danny, that never came out of the baby stage, yet his body kept growing. As a child, I was shocked to learn that he was still like he was, at age five. My aunt could not pick him up anymore. This was probably in the 1950s/1960s. I was less than ten years old, so I didn’t understand many things.
One day, Danny didn't live there anymore. The family could not handle his needs. Danny DID receive much love. There were originally seven children, total. The oldest died of leukemia, one sister from ovarian cancer, the oldest son from probably alcohol abuse, first the father died, and eventually so did my aunt but many years later.
(I did ask my dad what happened to Danny and he said simply, my aunt, his sister, couldn’t care for Danny anymore and he went to live in an institution that could care for his needs. It was a very hard decision, and one I never had to go through with my children, or grandchildren.)
No one thought badly of this family because they put Danny in a 'forever home', as they knew it was done out of need for both child and family. He couldn't even sit up. He just laid wherever they put him.
But, if you watch this video link, you will see that sometimes the agencies don't give the full truth about who you are adopting. I think you will find this shocking, and it left this family legally responsible for this 'child' who turns out to be not a six year old, but an adult woman with dwarfism. The adopted mother discovers it the hard way, pubic hair….
The Stauffer family's sin is more of exploiting their family for money, but this is not new, at all. And, not just the Kardashian's, but Octo mom, Kate and Eight, or whatever that show was - I never watch any of them... What attracts people to watch and they get so many followers? Sensationalism. People sometimes love to watch other people's lives to compare their own. What keeps it going? The family gets gifts, and money from sponsors.