Day 197: Response to Tim’s Responder
It doesn't make him a stalker, and it could be she blocked him for any number of reasons that aren't necessarily bad. I have blocked people on social media simply because I have learned that their views and my views clash, and I wasn't willing to engage in that type of conversation.
Sometimes those I blocked were responding to a mutual friend and I could see through posts that the friend was engaging in conversation with them in a not so friendly environment. That is something I want to avoid, as I know they would never agree with me, so why continue to stay in the relationship? I am sure that people have blocked me because of my views about things, too. I am very fine with that and have even encouraged my getting blocked if I rub them the wrong way.
But, saying Tim is a stalker because he still admires and got something out of her teachings and didn't want to lose that part, is a bit harsh, IMHO. She may not have wanted to hear his opinions - which I don't know if he even gave, but I suppose he did. And, he has every right to view their mutual friend's posts, and if and when Kirsty responded to said posts, he still got value from her. Tim shared two sorrows here, admitted to having possibly similar issues as she, and maybe he just reminded her of something painful but he didn't cause it. If she took her own life, as that is what I am hearing, maybe because Tim hasn't taken his own life could be the reason. She didn't want to be stopped and she had over 1 million people in her corner who couldn’t see it.
His advice to the rest of us was good, and I for one, will not wait to tell someone when I think they have something wonderful to hear about themselves from me. Even in my best intentions, or sometimes in my own perceived sense of (personal) justice, I have fucked up with the wrong words. But, you never know what can save a life, either. Let me give you an example:
I was listening to an interview between Tyler Perry and Joel Osteen (I believe) and he said he had received a notification from a woman who was planning to commit suicide. I may have some details wrong, or mixed up, but it won't change the facts of the story. I believe a family member wanted this woman to watch a Madea movie with her- which you must see to understand Tyler posing as Madea. This woman laughed so hard that it made her find happiness again in her life. I suppose that if she could laugh, dying no longer was an option - at least at that time. I choose to believe she is still alive.
Most things we see in others is a view through our own filters. We are all working through something. We all get offended by something. We all spew things we shouldn’t. I know all my posts here in response to others, where I have felt offended, were not so great. But, I heard sadness in Tim’s voice tonight, not malice. Stalking is malice. May she rest in peace in God’s Arms.