Day 199: You must think we are all blind….
Maybe you are right, and maybe you are wrong. My guess is you believe everything you read about what your beliefs are about, too. I would bet you find nothing good about Trump, either.
But, not everything is a conspiracy theory - some things are just plain true, especially in the sex and human trafficking realm. I have been following that for a while, now.
And, yeah, BLM may have started out good, but it got highjacked, I watch actual videos - I see the destruction. I LIVE in the first city that got destroyed by so called peaceful protesters. Miles of burnt and destroyed buildings and businesses.
I see the videos where they go into restaurants and harass the people eating.
Go ahead. Call everything conservatives believe in as conspiracy theories. It really doesn't matter to us that you do. Even many black people hate what BLM is doing, and are moving towards voting Trump back in. If they believe it, why is it wrong for me to back them?
Ironic, isn't it, that BoA can donate that much to an organization that donates the money to white liberal democrats....ActBlue. Funding the destruction of America....