Day 25: Responding to …Making More Money… — the Future is Now!
I’m one of those older aged people, and while I’ve done ok, I don’t have anything saved, albeit a good amount of equity in my home. I use my money to get education and buy equipment and other investing tools for my business. I am always re-inventing myself, but never letting go of the investments I’ve made in myself. So, I guess I am a bit of a late bloomer, but maybe not. I have mostly been self-employed, but also mostly been a single parent with much of the expenses on me. Hard to save in those conditions — just holding tanks until I needed to use it. I do invest in my home, my real estate property. If I don’t have to use it for me, my kids win it.
I am recently getting involved in on-line business. That’s coming from having dabbed in it with social media and websites/blogs to advertise my business. I’ve invested in hiring others to promote that further and the really sad part about that? I still can’t plug in my modality and find me on the internet. If you put in my name, or business name, it all comes up and what I do. But, if I put in acupuncture in my area, I don’t come up. That does piss me off because I have literally spent THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS HIRING people to drive business my way. I really don’t understand why I can’t be found, but the one thing I did learn in all of that is that not always does outsourcing work. I hardly ever seem to be able to follow the path others find so simple. Mine gets diverted by some force that I can’t name. So, I have decided that I must do it on my own. I must get people to find me. I may need help with the technology part, but that’s ok. What I can’t learn on my own, I will find people I trust to work with me. Done with expecting others to do it for me.
So, I recently learned about funnels and how they work (again, there is an automation needed to move each piece, etc….:(… but I will get it). Much to learn in how to put the pieces all together — like creating an ebook, plugins, click here to receive your download, click here to go to the next page, click here to…. If others can learn, so can I. I am motivated, creative and have a high amount of energy and desire to learn, and HATE debts. The only acceptable debt is mortgage and education and business. And even those can sink a person. Thankfully, I have money coming in which I work hard for. I have made two good connections re online business that have given me the motivation I have needed to move forward with this at a higher speed. Motivation actually isn’t the right word because I am always motivated to improve myself and to improve my skills for helping others who trust and come to me for healing. I love what I do. And, I don’t mind giving them a plug here, either: Russell Brunson of Clickfunnels and his fantastic staff, and Grace Lever of Doers Way and her fantastic staff. I have joined them both and I may not be moving as fast as they say — because I am still working for someone else, which does have a set time limit by me to end, and because I feel the need — control freak, maybe? — to learn this automation. I’m the kind that just needs to understand things or it holds me back. Concepts work for me, though, and then I can move forward.
I did order your ebook, and I have resonated with your writings, often. I hope to be able to offer my knowledge and teachings to others in my healing world and in helping others move forward, even with baby steps. I think I have a lot to offer, and money will be the by-product.