Day 31; Kidney and Bladder Meridians

Mary EK Denison
4 min readFeb 28, 2020


Photo by SwapnIl Dwivedi on Unsplash

The Kidney Yin Meridian begins at the inferior aspect of the small toe and runs through the bottom of the foot, about midsection under the ball of the foot, which is K1. You can feel an indentation there, and it might be tender. It then runs along the arch of the foot and circles the inner ankle through the heel, and ascends the inner side of the leg up through the thigh, and runs up the midsection of the abdomen and chest. There are smaller branches that connect to the lung, heart, and pericardium, through the throat and ends at the root of the tongue. The last point can be palpated under the clavicle at K27.

The Kidney’s pathway pathology is, organ — frequent urination, impotence, enuresis, irregular menstruation, asthma, dry tongue, edema, especially seen in the lower legs, congestion and sore throat. Along the pathway could present symptoms of pain along the spinal column particular low back pain, weakness in the lower limbs especially the knees. There could be signs of hearing loss, tinnitus, graying hair and weakened teeth.

It’s Yang partner, the Bladder Meridian begins at the inner canthus of the eye, B1, and runs over the top of the head, and splits into two branches down the back, zigzags a bit through the gluteals, then down the midline of the legs through the lateral side of the foot to the end of the baby toe, B67 (this point has been known to turn breech babies over).

Its pathology in the organ level shows enuresis, retention of urine, occipital headaches, mental disturbances, rhinitis, nasal obstruction, and lacrimation typically when exposed to wind.

On the pathway level you can exhibit pain in the neck (we all know someone who can do that to us..), upper and lower part of the back and gluteals, and the backside of the lower limbs.

We know that water can take the shape of whatever it is in. Bruce Lee tells us we should be like water… it flows, it is essential to our life, we are 85–90% water, all cells need it, it can be cold (Yang) or warm (Yin), murky or clear. We know it can be violent or calm. It is depicted in many forms, such as, a watering hole for animals, the “Fountain of Youth” as it gives us nourishment, replenishes our cells; thus, giving us a more hydrated youthful appearance. Dry skin can look quite old, even if it isn’t old. Many of the acupuncture points are categorized by water. There are the Well, Spring, Stream, River, and Sea points along the pathways, and as you can see they start at the deepest level, a water well, and comes out of the earth and expand into the Sea. These are points along the channels that are used for specific reasons. Waterways have tributaries. Blood is made up of water, and its tributaries are the vessels of the circulatory system. Other aspects in our body which has water are the lymph, endocrine, urinary systems, saliva, tears, sexual secretions, and perspiration.

The color of the Water Element is Blue or Black in some thoughts. The dark circles under the eyes. If someone is sick in the Water/Kidney element, they may show a blue-black skin tone in their face. Its season is Winter, which we are now in. This a time to conserve energies, not a time of waste. Snow flakes have a perfect crystalline beauty, symmetrical and whole. The snow covering the earth is protecting it, but many things are actually happening beneath that will be born in the Spring (Wood/Liver energy). When this Water is out of balance, it can be difficult to handle; blizzards, snow storms, ice build ups, bitter cold. It makes us even retreat further into ourselves to rest and sleep. It is a dark place with not as much sunlight, so we tend to curl up and sleep more.

Kidney energy is where our Essence lies. Our Life Force. It is associated with our beginnings of life, conception and we receive this life from our ancestors and our parents. If there is a lack of the Essence, there is lethargy, possibly not proper development, bone issues, and if it is blocked it can present High Blood Pressure. Fear is associated with Kidney energy (Fear of Water is a fear of death by drowning). This deep kind of fear makes people curl up in the fetal position.

The Bladder stores the excess of Water, or the overflow. The Bladder is very essential to life, also. If it cannot eliminate the fluid, it will poison the body. The Bladder must be able to adapt so if a person has a problem adapting to situations or change, look to the Bladder.



Mary EK Denison
Mary EK Denison

Written by Mary EK Denison

My vocation is in alternative health therapies; cosmetic acupuncture, oriental medicine, esthetics… Subscribe for a monthly newsletter

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