OK, I had so much to say about this today, my head was spinning. If you read any of my other writings about this challenge, you know that I am going through the keys from the movie I watched, and that Day 1 was about my origin story why I am moving into what I am moving into. It really is a new avenue for my work. Not because I haven’t thought of it before, but didn’t know how to get there. Not because I haven’t tried business coaches to HELP me get there — some of which made sense, and some that didn’t, not because I haven’t spent THOUSANDS trying to figure out how to reach the most people with ways I can help them, but because none of them have been able to ignite my passion. Until now. Don’t get me wrong, I love all the one on one that I do with my clients. They have filled me with their experiences, pains, joys. Their bodies have told me stories that even THEY forgot, because everything is recorded in your body — and I touch bodies. A lot of bodies. And, I feel things, detect things, present and ancestral, and sometimes I’m at a loss how to tell them what I am experiencing as their practitioner. I am an Empath.
But, I have felt that I cannot tell these stories because I could be breaking a confidence. I am bound by law; state, ethical, my own, etc., and I have had to keep things to myself. I can’t write about them, speak of them unless I am speaking in fiction so know one recognizes them (that actually did happen in the first year of my practice, and it set my course). So, I just held my passion inside. Until now. I have been sent mentors who are able to lead me in a different direction so that I can reach thousands of people. I am composing ebooks that will come out later, I am creating on line courses that you will soon see, because I know that I can help people without exposing anything about their secrets. I have always been passionate about the Chinese 5 Element system, primarily, because I can use it to explain the law of nature vs going against the law. Going with it keeps flow, even if it is a painful part of life, like natural death. Going against that flow is also painful, but it creates other negative energies that surround and impact us, like murder. Both create death, but one is much easier to recover from, than the other. I can help people without judging them. And, that is my passion. Please understand, that doesn’t mean I won’t stand up for my convictions, and they may go against yours. But, it also doesn’t mean I won’t work with you because we disagree on some areas of life, or beliefs. We are all in this world together, and we came with our own set of difficulties.
“When the student is ready, the teacher will come.” Right? Sometimes things show up in a certain age of your life. I don’t want you to think that I haven’t done my fair share of damage to myself and others. I am still learning about how to do life, as well. Sometimes I just clash and can’t explain why. What I am learning in my elder years is that if it isn’t working with someone, and I can’t change that, it is better to leave and keep a sense of peace for all involved.
I am always seeking how to improve me, and you. We are pretty much the same. We pretty much experience the same things in life that are difficult. We have very different personalities that are compounded by many factors, known and unknown — only God has all the Keys. I apologize now to those I have hurt, knowingly, or otherwise. I am still growing. But, I have passion. Passion to grow. Passion to teach. Passion to coach. Passion to heal. And, I have passion to help others. I keep reaching out. I won’t ever stop. I sometimes create distance, but my door is open when the time is right.
How do you fuel passion? Isn’t that something that’s already there? I think so, but that doesn’t mean we are able to harness it and put it in a bottle, and give it back in the way you need. I am always watching. I am always seeking. A Sufi saying says, “This thing we tell of cannot be found by seeking, yet only Seekers find it.” Amen to that. Namaste. Never stop thinking, and if you lose your passion, maybe I can help. Maybe I can help. I tell my female clients when they have lost their mojo, go out a buy some pretty underwear. It doesn’t matter if no one else sees them. What matters is you feel pretty and you will walk differently. With certainty. With passion about yourself. Don’t lose that, Ladies.