Jonah, When I first started reading your story I thought for sure you were entering the 365 day challenge…. and maybe you are. Maybe RB is one of your mentors, as he is mine, though I have others I follow to help me with the online courses that I hope to finish, soon. They make me no money on my desk, but I have some technical issues that I am trying to overcome, mainly me. And, as OCD as it may be, I have to learn some things to understand concepts because I have farmed things out in the past only to be disappointed and it usually costs me a lot to do so. Anyway, I won’t list all that I am trying to do, but I most certainly see your point. And, I finally agree with it — even though I thought much about it, I have not accepted the job of taking it on — making lots of money — until now. I must continue on my path of creating passive income because all I have to do is break a hand, or even a finger, and it will keep me from doing my current work. There is no retirement plan for me in the way I currently work. And, that is NOT good. There is no play, vacations, Me time if I stop what I am creating to be self-sufficient. Please note, I give a lot of things, money, and myself away. I am not stingy with my blessings. But, trading time for money can be done in a much smarter way than the way I have considered in the past.
Sounds greedy, doesn’t it (not to you)? But, poverty has never served anyone but Jesus while He was on earth. He always talked about God’s Abundant Universe. He said we would do greater things than He because of the Power of the Holy Spirit (my beliefs don’t have to be yours). God has blessed many people on earth with huge amounts of abundance, but He expects us to use it to raise the world up, not just sit in gluttony. Sometimes poverty is a mentality, but sometimes it is very unfortunate circumstances. Third World countries probably don’t have a chance — unless the wealthy use their abundance to help them out and save them. The poor cannot do that. They are burdened by debt and lack. But, those of us who CAN, SHOULD. The wealthy could save so much. For those who believe that there is a finite amount of wealth and the rich are hording it, well then, you limit God. Those are old tapes in your head and they need to be removed because you are burying your gifts in the sand.