Day 50: Got Laid Off…Temporarily…
The COVID 19 virus is still taking things down, if that’s what’s taking things down. The massage franchise I work for has had to close its’ doors for about two weeks, but I think it will be longer..
In the meantime, it will give me the opportunity to be extremely highly creative…. been here before, done this before, in an economic downturn, but none where they are shutting things down. This has a very eerie feeling to me….even a bit familiar…
So, what can I, or anyone, do when you have much more extra time on your hands? Wwweeelllll, rebuild a business, get my on-line business and funnels up and running… read, study from experts, clean out unwanted things in the house, sell maybe some of it (I think some people have money, yet, still, right?). Get the little things done around the house that I look at every time I pass them, and think, I have to get to that… and now I will because I have moved into hyper mode and am heading into it full speed.
I think we have enough here to survive for awhile… Today I found a 50 lb bag of rice, which I bought for $50. Made me happy because rice was disappearing fast, and we eat a fair amount of it here. You can do so much with it and it agrees with most people’s digestion. Because we don’t know the most outcome of all this, I diced up most of my produce and froze it — I use it mostly in stir fries, anyhow, so it doesn’t matter. Freezing will preserve it for future use because veggies can turn on you fast. I hate throwing things out.
I promise I will get to the writing how disease moves through the body. I have been quite busy figuring out how I and my family will fair through all this, too. Trying to help out certain friends manage, though, with such unpredictabilities right now, so hard to plan steps that won’t get sabotaged by someone higher up who gets to decide for me.. There are some things that I can move forward with that is up to me.
I hope you are all well. I hope that in this world chaos that you find a spot in your life to be able to just be still. Minds are going a mile a minute, others are not. Some thought they could just go to the store and what they needed would be there, and its not, or the more expensive versions are left on the shelves. I think the stores need to limit some people. Who really needs a shopping cart FULL of hamburger.