Day 55: I just have to share some things, right now….

Mary EK Denison
6 min readMar 23, 2020


Photo by Sarah Kilian on Unsplash

COVID19 is scary, scares a lot of people, and not just with the virus, itself. The whole trickle effect that this is going to cause to many industries, and to single proprietors, who ALWAYS fall under SOME crack in the system. Self-employed, their industry closes in their state, and in mine, MN, but they still have to pay the rent where they signed a contract. Where they rent a hair stylist or barber chair, where Massage franchise industries work, gatherings — who doesn’t want to have reunions, or weddings, or funerals, and other things…. company celebrations, and holiday parties, and promotions. Fairs, malls, movie theatres, restaurants, God, restaurants, with bars! Your kids events at school. Does this mean there will be no more school plays and concerts? Are we to stay six feet apart, forever? No hugging your long lost family member, friends who you haven’t seen in a long time, babies, children…grandparents and parents. This vision of the rabbit hole became too hard for me to accept.

So, today I reframed my “predicament”. Instead of this doom and gloom that TWO of my industries could be in and could be put on hold for who knows when?, I chose to take a new spin on it, in my personal world. I have one to two avenues in my business that allows me to NOT have to close; online retail, training, and coaching health and wellness. I am not stuck, I have several options. I am going to be ok, and there is an excitement to it. My industries are just closing for the season, like some industries do. So, instead of focusing on the uncertainty of what we are dealing with, I decided that people have always made HONEST money during times of hardship. NOT because they screwed people, or that wouldn’t be honest money, would it?, but because they were there to help their fellow human beings in a very tough situation for many, and they were blessed in return because they did it for all the right reasons. Win-win.

As I was deep cleaning a room that I had been wanting to get to for months, I did tonight. I dusted, vacuumed, mopped the floor, cleaned off the windows changed the coverings on the pieces (cats) so that we could have ONE clean moment without cat hair. I am shaving them in this next week.. I am going to take advantage of this time to get household things caught up, and get my office organized, and see if anything I have decided to move forward with has changed because of the chaos the world has been put through because of this virus, and the measures we feel the need to take to protect ourselves, and our communities. THAT was exhausting, wasn’t it? Yes, very important.

I know, though, that there are going to be such serious economical pressure on those who AREN’T big enough to support 70–100% losses because of having to close. This does not mean that people aren’t in agreement with the steps, but it won’t stop the devastating financial repercussions, and domino affects, this will have on all of us. Every industry is dependent on someone else’s industry.

I reframed my situation as, I am simply on a two week, much needed, unpaid vacation. There will be a trickling of some money, but not what I was doing. The thing is, though, I have been working on a few plans, same ideas, to shift how I work. I was giving myself this year to figure and work out my details. Yes, this has sent me reeling for a bit. Until I reframed it. Now, I have the time to spend working on those plans and not have to stop in the middle to leave for the night. And, I am getting much needed things cleaned, and cleaned out, so that new energy can move in. I am preparing my space for the next chapter. And, it will be good. And, I will let my Lord lead me.

The good that I see coming from all this is that people are not going to take things for granted, as much (hopefully). Sometimes life has to give us the kick in the pants to wake us up. It sometimes forces us to move into a certain pathway that we may not have moved into by ourselves. But, here we are.

Schools have closed keeping kids at home. Parents who work may find that inconvenient for them to keep working, especially if the kids are too young to be alone. But, if those parents are one of the lucky ones to be able to work from home, are there for their children — at least they can do lunch, right there, together. Homework and business work can be done during the day, and everyone is home for supper. An easier night, earlier to bed, and parents can finish with work if there is a need. Not everyone gets, though.

Board games are becoming popular, again, in families. You should still be pretty safe with your own family. Social distancing shouldn’t be a concern, unless someone is sick.

I said to my friend, today, “Remember when stores were not opened on Sundays, unless they sold prescription drugs?”, but that was a slippery slope… I think restaurants were opened on Sundays, but they didn’t have all the fast food ones, as they do now. Stores typically closed at 9:00 PM every night, and it was a big deal when Target was opened until 10:00 PM. We are business people, 24/7. We have to be or we would not have hospitals, fire, police, EMTs, etc., available, if we weren’t. But, for the most part, and unimportant items, we were all home by 9–9:30 PM.

You may be planning your outings more carefully, so that you can get what you need, but conserving for other reasons. The shelves are getting quite empty, you can see what people DON’T want to buy because it is still there... good lesson for the buyer of the company. You find what’s left, mix and match ideas in your head — because you DON’T know how long this will be. It feels like a second world country looking at the empty spaces in the stores. And, I am learning more about other things, if what I want seems out. For example, I wanted meat bullion. I asked and was told that MAYBE there might be some in the Mexican food isle. Yup, and quite large jars of it. It will be able to go with my 50 lb. bag of rice, or to just drink as a hot drink. Anyway, I found plenty for my needs.

I want to say this. Many industries are hurting now because of what we are all under. A server cannot work from home. A hair stylist cannot work from home without being a salon, too. Massage therapists, yoga instructors whom many are self-employed, fitness centers, food, etc. Many of these are independent workers, owners of franchises and they do not get loss of wage or job benefits. There are suggested ways how to help these people who fall through the cracks, to keep moving forward. Buy gift certificates from them, support their online version of a dance, or piano lessons, figure it out for that industry, and help them make a plan, if you have those skills.

If you have insurance that will pay for alternative services that are not forced down, take advantage of those things to keep yourself less stressed. Yes, acupuncture is one way, and you can use healthcare benefits, like FSA/HSA cards. If you have money and aren’t particularly concerned with the situation, except for concern with us all, but not for financial repercussions, if it is something you would use, or will use, BUY IT. Spend your money and keep people afloat. Because if you DON”T help, and they can’t make it, they will leave. Those industries will not be available the way you want because they had to go find something else. Support them, now. Find ways to do so. Everyone will remember when we get to the other end. Maybe this is bringing us to a greater love for each other. And, more family time.



Mary EK Denison
Mary EK Denison

Written by Mary EK Denison

My vocation is in alternative health therapies; cosmetic acupuncture, oriental medicine, esthetics… Subscribe for a monthly newsletter

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