Day 67: Some of the Upsides to Isolation
Well, an upside is we don’t have to post these on our doors, so far.
I’ve been taking a free seminar from Meridia Technology, whose seminar I attended last year, though this one is a bit different. I will get 19 CEUs/PDAs if I finish it all. This is saving me lots of money, travel time (can’t say time off from work, since I am at home, not working…). It has been a great refresher, and I am very happy for this gift. There are a couple of Town Hall meetings that when I attend those, I get two free CEUs/PDAs, also. These two things alone will give me a third of what I need in my four year space. Very nice, and a big thank you to Meridia Tech.
My cats are happier that I’m around. One of them is quite irritating with her complaints, but it is cut how she sits on my foot stool under my desk.
I get to spend the time creating the products, and perfecting them that I have been hoping to have more time to do. Though, when the weather permits, I like to be outside cleaning my yard, and making plans for planting.
I have not been using much gas driving. I go places, for sure, but short trips for an item here and there. I’m home when the post drops off packages of things I ordered for my products and labels, etc. I check often if the weather isn’t so great, and I found my acupuncture needles package on the stoop, right before it started to rain.
I could be a driver at any time of the day if a family member needed that, but that hasn’t happened too often. Some areas of the house are getting a deeper clean because I have the time…
My prayer time is more regular… not just, ‘Hey God, I need something..”.
Today, I watched a fair amount of the seminar, and tired of sitting, so I simply paused the video, went upstairs and made a baby blanket. That’s one of the things I am doing, making baby blankets that I will donate to a free clinic that supports mothers in need. I wonder how they are handling things, now, with our crisis. No matter, I will keep making them because I have a feeling that if couples are at home more together, they are making new babies…..
Well, off to bed so I can start off early tomorrow. It has been easier to not get up if I don’t have to. A habit I need to nip in the bud.