Day 69: Revisiting Japanese Style Acupuncture, and other things….
Today, I spent four hours watching a presentation on a weekend seminar about learning different ways, techniques, automation, and how to use my AcuGraph system better and more efficiently, to give my patients the best possible session I can. All of these modalities offer me more than one way to treat just about anyone, whether they like needles, or not, because I have many skills and tools to do needle-less acupuncture. AcuGraph is a Digital Meridian Imaging software system that provides me with just about anything I want to know to treat a patient simply by testing 12 points on the hands and 12 points on the feet that are the Source points in acupuncture. I do this by using a wet Q-tip on the end of a probe that is fed with electricity and the patient holds a rod to complete the electrical circuit. It is a totally painless assessment and produces many visuals for me and the patient to see. It really helps the person understand the energetic system of the body, and how we can bring balance back in to it.
One of the modalities I re-learned about were the Japanese Ion Pumping Cords and how they are used to bring the Divergent and Extraordinary Channels into balance. That will be in tomorrow’s writing.
I revisited Auriculotherapy (ear acupuncture) in this seminar, as well. I did learn about it 20 years ago in school, and I use it in my treatments to boost the treatment. 20 years ago there weren’t the same tools that can totally enhance the session, as there are today. Ear acupuncture was taught in my school, but it is not a Traditional Chinese Medicine source. It was developed in France. That will be the following day’s writing.
I am just introducing you tonight what is to come, and how excited I have become again, taking this seminar. I have multiple skills and I have mixed and matched them many times, and now I have even faster ways to balance the meridians. I look forward to telling you about them. Until tomorrow, then..