Day 91: Chakras, the first Seven.
There are seven chakras inside the body, and five chakras outside of the body. Today we will only talk about the seven. Tomorrow I will speak of the other five. Chakra means a wheel or vortex of energy. These are energy spots in your body that do certain things. I have written about the different types of Qi and their specific reasons for being, so you do have a bit of an understanding what I am saying here. In case you haven’t noticed (because maybe I digress in my writings) but I am trying to introduce to those who don’t understand how energy works in our bodies. I think the more you understand how or body’s energy interacts with Universal energy, you will have a better understanding of Quantum healing.
Starting at the base of the spine and moving upwards to the top of the head, and beyond, they are:
The 1st is the Root chakra and its color is red. It is located at the base of the spine. Its Hindu name is Muladhara; mula means Root, and adhara means Basis. Its symbol is a red Lotus flower with four petals. Its emotion is about security and stability. So when it is in balance, it gives you a sense of being grounded, centered, personal safety and comfort, but when out of balance, you may feel insecure, depressed, and self-centered. It has a physical association with the endocrine and adrenal glands, hips, thighs, rectum and any maladies associated with that area.
The 2nd is the Sacral chakra and its color is orange. It is located above the pelvic bone and below the navel. Its Hindu name is Svadhishthana; sva means Self, and adhishthana means Established, or together it means “the dwelling place of the self”. Its symbol is a six petal Lotus flower with a white crescent moon in the center representing water. Its emotion is about feelings and happiness. When it is in balance you may have patience, intimacy, pleasure sensuality, sexuality and connection. When it is out of balance you may feel fear, especially the fear of death (think Kidney/Water/Fear in the 5 Element theory), frustration, anxiety, frigidity. It physically associates with fertility, menstruation, and of course, kidney or bladder problems.
The 3rd is the Solar Plexus chakra and its color is yellow. It is located between the navel and the tip of the sternum. Its Hindu name is Manipura, which means “lustrous gem”. Its symbol is a ten petal Lotus flower with an inverted triangle in a circle in its center. The emotions centered around it are about personal power and esteem. When it is in balance you will have vitality, clarity, determination and strength, and can make decisions. When it is out of balance you may feel powerless, low self esteem, greed, anger and aggression. Physically it links mainly to the digestion which would include the liver, pancreas, gall bladder, and stomach. Yellow is also the color for the Spleen element and is associated with similar organs and functions (Liver is angry when out of balance).
The 4th is the Heart chakra and its color is green. It is located at heart level in the center of the chest. Its Hindu name is Anahata which means unhurt, unstruck, unbeaten, pure. Its symbol is a 12 petal Lotus flower with an intersection of two triangles (like the Star of David) symbolizing the union of male and female. The emotions are about love and nurturing. When it is in balance you will be able to look at a contradictory experience with detachment and a state of openness. You will feel compassion, acceptance, serenity and calmness. When it is out of balance you may feel loneliness, sadness, insensitivity, and emotionally closed off from others or their situation. It is physically linked to the heart, of course, breasts, and lungs. Any diseases associated with those areas can be manifested.
The 5th is the Throat chakra and its color is blue and it is located in the throat. Its Hindu name is Vishuddha and it is symbolized by the 16 petal Lotus flower with a crescent inside a full moon. The emotions are about self expression, speaking one’s truth, communicating with others. When it is in balance you feel those emotions but also, inspiration, and creativity. When it is out of balance it is blocked by lies, stagnation, lack of self expression. Its physical links are to the thyroid, trachea, larynx or voice box. Illnesses can manifest as sore throat, stuttering, thyroid issues.
To help clear and strengthen this chakra, the sound Ham/Om/Ohm is repeated over and over again (108 times a day) and is said to be the sound of the Universe, or the sound that God made when He created the world. The first thing created was Light and out of Light came everything else. Light overcomes darkness. In Christianity, Jesus said He is the Light, The Light of the World (therefore, we believe He is the doorway to God). He is the Great “I AM”. All matter is energy frozen in light, or basically, all energy creating matter is energy that has slowed down its vibration, but it is still there as you cannot get rid of energy, it only changes form.
The 6th is the Third Eye and its color is purple. It is an invisible eye located between the eyebrows. It is associated to our ‘sixth sense’, and some believe the third eye has been associated with, or considered the pineal gland. Its Hindu name is Ajna which means Command or Monitoring System. It is the chakra associated with light, lucidity, clairvoyance, cosmic vision, and ethereal energy. It connects the conscious with the subconscious mind and it sees without the filter of your past, your expectations or your judgements. It is said you cannot lie to your subconscious nor will it lie to you. This ‘sight’ is directed to the pineal gland located in the center of the brain. The pineal is pinecone shaped; hence, its name and it is mostly known for producing melatonin, regulating the Circadian clock and reproductive hormones. Its symbol is a two petal Lotus flower with an inverted triangle with a character that looks like a ‘3’ inside of it. I have heard that the headdress, called ‘miter’, worn by Catholic Bishops and Cardinals was fashioned from the look of a pinecone.
When the Third Eye chakra is in balance you will experience high mental energy, psychic abilities, can tell the difference between imagined and real. Generally, we experience good health, clear thinking and focus. You will have good intuition, and have empathy for others, and your trust in yourself will be strong. When it is out of balance you may experience confusion, sleep problems, lack of assertiveness, may feel disoriented and could have hallucinations. You will have a hard time listening to others. Physically you could experience migraines, headaches, and dizziness.
The 7th is the Crown chakra and its color is Violet. It is located at the crown of your head beneath the fontanelle, or some say, right above your head (but it is still considered an ‘inside’ chakra). Technically, it can be seen in newborns as the fontanelles have not yet closed when a baby is born. Part of the reason is so that the baby’s head can ‘shift’ to fit through the birth canal. To me, the closing is almost symbolic of a human not ‘letting go’ of Heaven, but of accepting birth into the world. This chakra is associated with the pineal gland, brain, hypothalamus. Its Hindu name is Sahasrara and it is associated with liberation and spirituality. In particular, liberation of the Soul from the body. Its symbol is the 1,000 multi-colored Lotus flower that has layers of 20 of 50 rows.
It is said that this highest chakra is approached through the positive pole of the sixth ‘Third Eye’ chakra, and that it is dangerous to get there any other way. (I don’t have expertise on this, but I do understand connecting to God.) The Crown chakra is the point at which the Soul dissolves Ego consciousness where the Soul can let go and connect back to God on a Heavenly basis, without the world getting in the way. At the center of the top of the head, your Crown chakra, are where all the rays of the brain radiate outward so that the Soul unites with God. The rays keep the physical body nourished with energy. Remember I have said that the body exchanges energy with the Universal energy because without this exchange of energy, we would die. Think of it how your lungs take in air from the outside of the body, which nourishes the body (it mixes with the Gu Qi — food energy), and then releases back to the Universe (which re-nourishes it). as soon as we release the energy from our lungs, we inhale new energy immediately. You can understand that when you have a thought, where does it go? What is it connecting to?
When this chakra is in balance you will experience love, spiritual awareness, purpose and knowledge and fulfillment. When it is out of balance you will feel confinement and closed-mindedness. The physical affects will be depression, insanity, cranial pressure and possibly psychotic episodes. Maybe that’s what schizophrenia, or associated illnesses are.
Off note here, what is the difference between purple and violet? We use them interchangeably but there is a difference. Purple is made up of blue and red and has more shades than violet. Violet is made up of blue, red and green. It is at the end of the visible spectrum between blue and ultraviolet. Violet is associated with future, imagination and dreams.