Day 92: Chakras, the other Five
These next five chakras ascend above your Crown Chakra and they take you onto a journey beyond your body, space, and time.
The 8th chakra is called the Soul Star Chakra, or “Seat of the Soul”, and is a gold-white energy field. It is six inches to two feet above the Crown Chakra and is the gateway to your immortal Soul. This allows you to become aware of your limitless nature and all the negative patterns that have been blocking your path and holding you back. As you get closer to it, you will release all the things that are no longer serving you and you will have a greater sense of Divine Love. Feelings of judgement and isolation will disappear filling you with positivity. When people say they see a white light above someone’s head, this is the chakra they are referring to as this is where information is ‘downloaded’ to your body.
This corresponds to the Christian concept of the Soul. It spins above the head and it has been illustrated in paintings of Holy figures, like Jesus Christ, as a halo.
The 9th chakra is called the Spirit Chakra and its source is the 8th chakra. It is about four feet above the Crown chakra and is a translucent white, and it transcends into the universe. This will open you up to a new paradigm to see your greatest reality. In order to see that, you must let go of your current reality. When you shift your consciousness, your higher purpose becomes very clear to you and you will understand your patterns and their outcomes, which you must focus on to achieve your destiny.
The 10th chakra, the Creation Chakra is six feet above the Crown Chakra and is Pearl. Some say that the 10th chakra is below the body beneath the Root chakra. This chakra will help you channel the possibilities that you focused on into your reality. It will turn abstract energies into tangible opportunities and realizations in the real world where your body is living. Stubborn challenges melt away and make way for positive connections. Fears, self doubts and negativities will disappear allowing progress in your life to happen. You will be able to take inspired action, and relate to all types of people.
The 11th chakra is called the Galactic Chakra. It is eight feet above the Crown chakra and is a pink-orange color. This is where ESP, prophecy, and transcendence happens allowing you to experience your existence in its purest form. It brings deep insights into your path and the decisions you must make to create your best life. It allows you the ability to project your consciousness onto the people and situations influencing your life here. Some say this is where Super Human lives and Reiki can be performed with near instant and unbelievable results.
The 12th chakra is the Divine Gateway Chakra ten feet above the Crown chakra (though I have also read that it is 12 inches above…hmmm), and its color is pure gold. All that has been before you here is to bring you back home to your Divine Source. This will bring you Divine level of inner peace, unity, and love that is unshakable. There are no words, only bliss. You will become a powerful manifestor to create change in the physical and non-physical dimensions, to bend reality towards your desires with the speed of light.
Different writings will sometimes put different colors, or placements of the chakras that are outside of the body. It really doesn’t matter so much if it is six inches or two feet, because these are energy fields that have been given to us to use to find our highest purpose while we live on earth. You can help balance the ones inside your body, but you cannot change the ones outside of your body — they are not connected the same way. I encourage you that if you want to learn more, that you choose more than one or two sources for your information so that you can better understand them. Prayer and meditation will help you align with them, and hold on to the things that really matter for your Soul’s purpose in coming to earth.