Day 115: In response.
First off, why is it always put on the United States to take care of everyone else's problems? We have done many good things for the world and I am REALLY sick of us either getting blamed for going into other countries to do what we think is right, or NOT going into another country in trouble. We can't win. I am ALSO sick of those who always blame the conservative president in office by liberal thinkers, especially by the ones who live here. You would blame Bush if he were still in office. You are simply promoting your personal hate.
I happen to have an extremely wealthy friend who is from, and lives in Brazil, and I don't know if this person helps her poverty stricken fellow citizens, or not. But, there is plenty of wealth in Brazil, too, as well as Africa (which is a continent). We are not responsible for their governments. It is the disrespect for life that is the problem - from conception through death. And it is the CONSTANT hatred and mud slinging at someone else who doesn't fit your 'ideals' that puts the icing on the cake, and keeps us divided.
But, in the end, the time in this world is short, and whether you believe in God, or not, God exists, and that is Who you will stand before in your final judgement, everyone of us. No one gets out of this world alive, and no one sneaks past God. Praise You, Lord Jesus Christ.