Hmmm….lots of pros and cons for the writer of the book, and the person who wrote this blog that many have responded to. Lots have said “I haven’t read the book…” yet have so much to say about it and the author(s). Maybe we should first define what fat means to ourselves, because that is probably what truly matters the most. If I don’t like how I look, I could have many opportunities to change that (but I can be a bit lazy about doing so). It is true, though, there are illnesses that make weight loss hard, or next to impossible. Anyway, for me, there are too many responses going both ways, and I probably won’t read the book just to see what I think about it.
One thing I have noticed about myself, if a book, or read, affects me in a way that makes me uncomfortable, it is probably something about me. I can either make a change, or stay the way I am.