Thank you for sharing your journey. I am in a situation that has been over a three year journey, with MANY experiences that I sort of wished did not happen during that time. But, I know that after the rain, comes the sunshine. It is sometimes hard to know when you are receiving the truth about things, or involved in a fantasy —or the ‘joke’ of reality. It is hard to know when to persist because it is the right road, or you are imagining signs that it is the right road. And, it even makes things harder to figure out if there are others involved in this journey that you have no control over. Somehow they were put into your life, or you were highjacked into theirs. Anyway, I will write about this in an article for Medium, but I don’t have that break yet, and I can’t reveal the details of it because of its’ delicate nature. Lord, be my Guide…
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