Wow, Chuck, your answer seems a bit harsh…and a bit “smugly intellectual”. I think he was just giving different pieces of information that he obtained from different articles, but everyone needs to decide for themselves about their intake. I think some common sense is needed, as well, to determine how much I need vs how much you need. I took this as just some guidelines, not cut in stone. And, for those of you who use the metric system (we use both in the USA), I am sure there are studies about water intake in your area that measures the volume using the metric system. I have three magnets on my refrigerator that tells me any kind of conversion I need to figure something out. I just can’t believe it is that hard to find out what an ounce is….
Anyway, that’s my rant… but I was grateful for the article because it gives me a better understanding of my own needs, and I need to drink more water because my tongue feels dry much of the time. Unfortunately, it does create an issue for me at work to keep taking bathroom breaks, which is part of why I limit my intake.